Beach Souvenirs Available at St. Tropez Beach Store

Beach Souvenirs

After a long day at the beach, the sun begins to set and Old Orchard Beach comes alive. The lights sounds and smells of the amusement park and carnival food fill the air and vacationers begin their evening of fun and shopping. Vacationers often look for something to bring back with them, be it large or small to remind themselves of the beach, family, friends, the water, the sun and the fun they enjoyed in Old Orchard Beach. At St. Tropez, vacationers can find anything from ships in bottles and shot glasses to sculptures made out of shells and snow globes.

Our beach souvenirs are made with care to always be a reminder of the amazing beach vacation you had in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

Categories of Available Souvenirs:

  • Bottle openers
  • Hermit crabs
  • Magnets
  • Mugs
  • Plushie lobster
  • Shell sculptures
  • Shells
  • Ship Models
  • Ships-in bottles
  • Shot Glasses
  • Signs
  • Snow globes

Product Development

We at St. Tropez, spend our Off-season selecting the best beach related souvenirs that will appeal to our customers. The souvenirs are made to last for years to come and to serve as a reminder of your Old Orchard Beach vacation.

Come check out our conveniently located Beach Store, well stocked with quality fashion items and beach goodies – you will always find what you want at the best prices on Old Orchard Beach!

Copyright 2025 St. Tropez Old Orchard Beach